Additional Sport Information

Find below additional information for maintaining player safety, including: heat policies, injury management, injury prevention, concussion management, respect on the field and anaphylaxis management.

Beat the Heat

Injury Prevention and Management

​Click image

​Click image

Concussion Management

FFV CMO talking concussion

FFV CMO talking concussion

Coaches information- click image

Coaches information- click image

FA Respect Campaign

Anaphylaxis Management

New Guidelines - EpiPen to be held in place for 3 seconds

If your child has life threatening allergies you must advise the coach and team manager.

They must carry an Epipen and know how to self-administer otherwise the parent or guardian must remain at training if there is a possibility of contact with the allergen.

It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure the supervising adult is aware the child is allergic if the team manager or coach is not available